Based on these, we could approach
less compared to other marketing channels source here ;of healthcare providers use blog posts in their digital marketing strategy source here ; Let's see some blog ideas. We keep the same example – the neurology clinic. I very quickly identified the search volumes for the first searches that came to mind.the following types of articles: What is migraine and how can it be treated Parkinson's diseasesymptoms and treatment options Multiple sclerosis – autoimmune disease withfaces What is neuropathy and how can it be treated How can stroke be prevented We conclude with an example from a field we have not discusseddermatology.We start from the incidence of the most present conditions in this field: eczema, acne, contact dermatitis, psoriasis, warts, herpes simplex and so on. Just around these keywords you can create an editorial plan for at leastmonths, following this scheme: Let's take Belgium WhatsApp Number Data the example of psoriasis: What is psoriasis Is psoriasis an autoimmune disease Causes and risk factors in the occurrence of psoriasis Can psoriasis be cured Ways to manage psoriasis in everyday life If for each common pathology listed above you write a number of at leastarticles, with a publishing cadence of one per week, in a year you will havearticles that will cover the main questions that patients may have.
Moreover, you will build a socalled topical authority, which I will discuss more in a dedicated article. Follow the following structure: What is Causes and risk factors of Treatments available for Duration of healing of Ways to avoid exposure to substances that can cause I'm sure you get the point, I won't push it any further. Regarding the execution I invite you to go through the article that deals with the topic of the number of words that a blog article should have . Number of words articles Blog BlogDigital Increase brand identity and conversions In the long term it is imperative to have a coherent brand strategy that reflects the practiceclinichospital's values, mission and services. Around this value you must coagulate your entire medical marketing strategy, on all digital marketing channels.